Remodel Courses
In my courses, you will learn:
- How to Find / Interview / Hire / Manage Workers
- What / How Much / Where / When to Buy
- Building the Bid/Cost/Estimate Sheet
- Your Role is During the Remodel
- How to Order the Work Flow / Build a Schedule

Remodel Coaching
Coaching topics Starr gets are:
- How to Settle on a Design or How to work around tough architectural elements
- Help laying out a schedule
- Help comparing and deciphering bids
- Help deciding what to do next
Ready to have the best remodeling experience?
Remodel Starr is the perfect solution for homeowners who need guidance remodeling their home. Remodel Starr will show you:
- How to make all the decisions without getting overwhelmed
- How to get bids so you can accurately estimate the cost your remodel
- Where to find good contractors and how to interview them
- How to hire and manage contractors
- How to schedule the work
- What you should and should not do during the remodel

You are ideal for remodel coaching if:
- You own your home and you either want to remodel or are in the middle of remodeling
- You are stuck on a problem and need an experienced remodeler to answer some questions
- You need help getting your schedule back on track
- You have an odd architectural feature and you don’t know to work with it
- You need a shot of confidence when it comes to design elements or room layout
- You are new to general contracting or subcontracting and you need help navigating client relationships
- You are having trouble finding contractors or help

You are ideal for remodeling courses if:
- You own your home and you want to remodel
- You are overwhelmed at the thought of all the decisions you have to make
- You want to understand estimate the project yourself before you try to hire a contractor so you willknow you are getting a fair price
- You want to know how and where to find good contractors and subcontractors
- You want to know how to interview and clarify details with contractors
- You want to know what order the work should be preformed and how to manage the work
- You want to know what you should and should not do during the remodel
Whether you do coaching or courses, we're ready to help you become a Remodel Starr!
Learn More About Remodel Starr-
New Home Item Checklist
If you are planning to build a new home, do yourself a favor download my free checklist! This checklist includes every item you need to think about in your new home. This list is truly invaluable when it come to specifications, budgeting, hiring, and scheduling.
Bathroom Remodel Checklist
Organize your bath remodeling plan using my tried and true list. I use this list when making out my budget, when I shop, and when I write out my directions for the installers. It helps me not miss any important parts and to think through what I want BEFORE the installers show up to work.
Kitchen remodel checklist
The best recipe for your kitchen remodel is my Kitchen Remodel Checklist. When it comes to organizing your budget, shopping for items, and thinking through what you want before the installers show up to work this list has it all! Use it to break a project down into manageable pieces.

Remodel Courses
Remodeling is hard and often stressful. On top of that, it costs a lot of money, and your home life becomes chaotic. Let me show you how to have the beautiful home you want, without the trouble and headache.
Bathroom Remodel Course Includes:
Things my course will provide:
- How to make design decisions – and stick to them.
- What to do if you want to make a structural change.
- How to put together an accurate cost spreadsheet – no more guessing!!
- What, where, and when to buy the materials.
- Hire the right people to do the work. Where to find them, how to get them, and how to manage them. (How to create a good relationship so you can do more remodel projects in the future.)
- How to create a schedule that will get your project across the finish line!

Remodel Coaching
If you are struggling to find answers to specific remodeling or building questions, remodel coaching is Is for you. It’s simple, just schedule a time and I’ll hop on a call with you and answer as many of your questions as I possibly can!